
Sequelize Tech curve AI get API model

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NOTE : field names are not exactly same for the model to be created and the reference keys are not utilized due to time contraints for researching the key names on other tables

Sample output:

    "message": "server up",
    "data": {
        "status": 200,
        "result": [
                "productId": 16,
                "productName": "ABCDEFG",
                "productImagesName": "",
                "productImagesUrls": "",
                "brandName": "121221",
                "description": "<p>wqwq</p>",
                "itemCode": "PD-Zea3",
                "itemType": "Apparel",
                "currency": "Rupees",
                "currencyCode": "₹",
                "saleAmount": "100.000",
                "broshureFileName": "",
                "broshureUrls": "",
                "vendors": "36,37,131",
                "status": 1,
                "createdBy": 6,
                "subCategoryId": 63,
                "categoryId": 108,
                "uomId": 84,
                "shipingMethodId": 40,
                "shippingTermId": 98,
                "paymentTermId": 97,
                "createdAt": "2024-03-21T06:52:29.000Z",
                "updatedAt": "2024-03-23T04:16:30.000Z"
                "productId": 7,
                "productName": "guru test",
                "productImagesName": "development/1710639893502-9591.png",
                "productImagesUrls": "https://conqt-e-procurement.s3.amazonaws.com/development/1710639893502-9591.png",
                "brandName": "test",
                "description": "<p>yolo</p>",
                "itemCode": "PD-uQW8",
                "itemType": "Apparel",
                "currency": "Rupees",
                "currencyCode": "₹",
                "saleAmount": "12222.000",
                "broshureFileName": "",
                "broshureUrls": "",
                "vendors": "127,128,129,131,154,206",
                "status": 1,
                "createdBy": 6,
                "subCategoryId": 39,
                "categoryId": 93,
                "uomId": 70,
                "shipingMethodId": 40,
                "shippingTermId": 96,
                "paymentTermId": 97,
                "createdAt": "2024-03-17T01:44:53.000Z",
                "updatedAt": "2024-03-17T19:19:47.000Z"
        "currentPage": "1",
        "pageSize": "10",
        "totalCount": 16,
        "totalPages": 2

Objective: Design a Node.js GET API that supports pagination and filtering for fetching product details from a database based on specified parameters. The API should handle various parameters such as current page, page size, order by, order direction, and search by field. API Requirements:

  1. Endpoint:
    • Design a GET endpoint for fetching product details.
  2. Parameters:
    • Implement the following parameters in the API:
      • currentPage: Current page number.
      • pageSize: Number of items per page.
      • orderBy: Field to order the results by.
      • orderDir: Order direction (ascending/descending).
      • searchBy: Field name for searching.
      • searchFields: Array of column names to be searched.
  3. Default Values:
    • If any of the parameters is not provided, use the following default values:
      • pageSize: 10
      • currentPage: 1
      • orderBy: 'createdAt'
      • orderDir: 'desc'
      • searchBy:""
      • searchFields:[]
  4. Data Fetching:
    • Fetch product details from the database based on the provided parameters.
    • Retrieve the following details for each product:
      • productId
      • productName
      • productImageName
      • productImageURL
      • brandName
      • description
      • itemCode
      • itemType
      • currency
      • currencyCode
      • saleAmount
      • brochureFileName
      • brochureFileURL
      • vendors
      • status
      • createdBy
      • created
      • updated
      • subCategoryId
      • categoryId
      • uomId
      • shippingMethodId
      • shippingTermsId
      • paymentTermsId
      • categoryName
      • subCategoryName
      • uomCode
      • uomDescription
      • organisationName
      • organisationId
      • vendorInfo
  5. Filtering:
    • Implement filtering based on the searchBy field.
    • Allow users to search data using any field name.
    • If searchBy is provided along with searchField:
      • The API should filter the results based on the provided field name and search term.
      • If searchBy is given as "product1", the search will be performed using the term "product1".
    • The searchFields parameter should contain the column names to be searched. If searchFields are provided, only those specified columns need to be searched. Otherwise, the search will be performed across all columns.
      • Example: If searchBy is provided as "product1" and searchFields are provided as ["productName", "description"], the API should only search in the productName and description columns for the term "product1".
    • If searchBy is an empty string and searchFields is an empty array, the API should return all records without any filtering.
  6. Response Format:
    • The response should be a JSON object with the following structure:
        "currentPage": 1,
        "pageSize": 10,
        "totalPages": 3,
        "totalCount": 25,
        "data": [
          // Product details for the current page


  • Ensure that the API responds correctly to various parameter combinations and handles errors gracefully.
  • The API should support proper error handling and validation for incoming parameters.
  • The API should be scalable and efficient in fetching and filtering large datasets.


admin DB Pass - NoTeDeSt^C10.6?SxwY882}

Host : nodejs-technical-test.cm30rlobuoic.ap-southeast-1.rds.amazonaws.com

Port : 3306 phpMyAdmin

DB name is - conqtvms_dev ,Product Table Name is ProductV2, Vendor Table is VendorsOrganizations