
Machine learning project to predict views for a TED talks using Regression Model.

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Machine learning project to predict views for a TED talks using Regression Model.

Project Summary -

In this project, the objective is to predict the number of views a TED talk session can have using the dataset provided, by applying specific methods to draw out heuristics after doing exploratory data analysis on the dataset. Before beginning with the data analysis, data wrangling will be done to get the data in a format ready for analysis. Hence after completing the wrangling and analysis statistically and visually, we will continue doing transformations on the dataset, if required. Transformations, such as encoding, normalization, and regularization of the dataset. After the data is ready is ready to be entered in to a model, it will be split into a proportion and a portion of it will be kept for testing the model chosen. Hence, multiple models will be applied to get acknowledged about the model that fits the dataset best for predictions, which will also be followed by parameter tuning, if required to get the highest accuracy possible.

Variables Description

  • talk_id - identification number provided by TED (int)
  • title - Title of TED talk (string)
  • speaker_1 - First speaker in TED speaker list (string)
  • all_speakers - All the speakers in the TED session (dictionary)
    [FORMAT - {'speaker' : 'speaker_name'}
    (speaker - speaker number of session, speaker_name - name of speaker)]
  • occupations - Occupation of the speakers of the session (dictionary)
    [FORMAT - {'speaker' : 'speaker_occupation'}
    (speaker - speaker number of session, speaker_occupation - occupation of speaker)]
  • about_speakers - Descriptive text about speakers (dictionary)
    [FORMAT - {'speaker' : 'speaker_description'}
    (speaker - speaker number of session, speaker_description - About the speaker)]
  • views{Dependent Variable} - Number of views (int)
  • recorded_date - Date of the TED session (string)
  • published_date - Date of TED session publishment (string)
  • event - Event of the TED session (string)
  • native_lang - Native language (string)
  • available_lang - All the available languages (list)
  • comments - Number of comments received (int)
  • duration - Duration of TED talk session (in seconds) (int)
  • topics - Topic of the TED session and tags (list)
  • related_talks - Related TED talk sessions (dictionary)
    [FORMAT - {'talk_id' : 'title'}
    (talk_id - column 1 of dataset, title - column 2 of dataset)]
  • url - URL link of the TED session (string)
  • description - Information about the TED talk session (string)
  • transcript - Complete transcript of the TED session (string)


  • Linear Regression
  • Ridge Regression
  • Lasso Regression
  • Random Forest Regressor
  • eXtreme Gradient Boost Regressor


index model_name train_score test_score train_score_cv test_score_cv MSE RMSE MAE R2_SCORE MSE_CV RMSE_CV MAE_CV R2_SCORE_CV
4 XGBRegressor 0.9934261278409272 0.932030624400551 0.9999999999294615 0.938762635871558 1038051732422.2239 1018848.2381700544 230907.41243408204 0.932030624400551 935238132789.5431 967077.1079854714 193285.53283935547 0.938762635871558
3 RandomForestRegression 0.9781102368086143 0.9239665329101074 0.9890333234284177 0.9098070854510008 1161209317264.5068 1077594.2266291643 254280.2227105074 0.9239665329101074 1377457279459.7983 1173651.2597274364 271275.81118832785 0.9098070854510008
0 LinearRegression 0.9077704289921005 0.8699250323297967 0.9077704289921005 0.8699250323297967 1986549741615.0134 1409450.1557752986 529169.1077861005 0.8699250323297967 1986549741615.0134 1409450.1557752986 529169.1077861005 0.8699250323297967
2 LassoRegression 0.9077704289921005 0.8699250323078986 0.9077704288720964 0.869922842797592 1986549741949.4487 1409450.1558939388 529169.1077303984 0.8699250323078986 1986583180905.55 1409450.1558939388 529163.5294727178 0.869922842797592
1 RidgeRegression 0.907716344510733 0.8696728644141192 0.9036489763793327 0.8640585013731682 1990400936942.6416 1410815.6991409762 523354.9398250869 0.8696728644141192 2076145424510.8584 1410815.6991409762 495887.8418977292 0.8640585013731682


NOTE: We will provide more preference to MAE for the process of model selection not RMSE because :
- RMSE can be affected severely by outliers.
- MAE is linear in nature.

  • The XGBRegressor has the least MAE and 0.93(default) and 0.94(CV) R2 score and RandomForestRegressor also has similar metrics in regards of MAE but with a R2 score of 0.93 (default maximum) and 0.92 (CV) approximately.
  • After tuning the hyperparameters, both of the models provide > 0.90 test score.
  • The training score is considered as well, XGB score is 0.99 and RandomForestRegressor is almost 0.99.
  • XGBREgressor gives us a least MAE of 9 percent of the actual mean, and RandomForestRegressor gives us a MAE of 10 percent (11 percent max) making both of them provide predictions with > 90% accuracy.

Considering the efficiency of the models, RandomForest provides more simplicity. But among all the regressor models available, XGBRegressor provides lesser MAE, and even lesser than RandomForestRegressor.


  • The views for sessions with longer duration is less on average basis.
  • Primary Speaker and comments are the most important features.
  • More number of languages available can increase the number of views.
  • The recency of the session published, also plays a major role in deciding the number of views.
  • Features like occupations, about_speakers, url have the least importance.
  • XGBRegressor and RandomForestRegressor have the best MAE and test score among all the models.