Edit commands are not repeatable
00sapo opened this issue · 3 comments
00sapo commented
This is due to the fact that the .
command repeats edit commands that happened from normal mode only. We need to remap edit commands from visual ways to hook them and record the modification that happened.
00sapo commented
A solution is mapping .
in visual and serendipity modes to a function that repeats the last edit command and then puts the .
register. The options should then have a list of "edit" commands that are hooked for remembering them...
00sapo commented
Thanks to Matrix user, for getting last edit command:
local ffi = require('ffi')
ffi.cdef('char *get_inserted(void)')
function GetInserted() return ffi.string(ffi.C.get_inserted()) end
Which puts v
before of the wanted command.
However, playing sequences of keys containing insert mode modifications is not possible with current neovim.
See neovim/neovim#19086 and #7