Helm chart for automatic backups in k8s
EugenMayer opened this issue · 2 comments
Thank you for this awesome tool! We have written a couple of tools ourself ot deal with gems, composer and others when migrating nexus. Anyway, just thank you!
Are there yet any consideration running n3dr
in a kubernetes environment using cron tasks (or as daemon) to automatically backup or sync a nexus?
I would consider creating such a helm chart, but this would require a bit of support and general interest here, maybe some smaller adoptions in exit code handling or similar.
What are your thoughts?
This will not go into this repo, this would not make sense and is unusual - helmchart go into a separate helm repo.
If i do one, it will first go to https://github.com/EugenMayer/helm-charts but for sure, after things settled, it might be somewhere on your side. I just do not like to get PM blocked early, this spoils the fun.
Still before i opt in, things need to be actually working system wise for me, so i can justify running this regularly. #357 is an absolute showstopper for me right now - pitty though. I really like your tooling!