
problems with mailsystem

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm having some problems with the mail-system.

I haven't received any emails in the past few weeks. Perhaps because I had tightened the dmarc setting at my provider. I have changed this again, but now I get emails whose content should have been for a few days ago.

Is this issue known?

I'm not sure I understood your problem.
To send emails, I use the functionality included in Webtrees. If this works, my module should also work.
As for the timeframe covered in the emails, the module is configured to summarise the changes and news that have occurred in the last x days (x being the number configured in the interface) and to summarise upcoming birthdays and anniversaries over the next x days.
You can obtain information about the retained dates at the bottom of the configuration page. You will also find a preview of the next mail.

What do you see when you preview the next email in the module configuration interface? Have you changed the sending frequency? Could it be that the email you received was blocked in the outbox?