Movie backend, movies can be inserted deleted and updated using api, also has search by langauge and sort by rating filter.
node ,express, mongoose, mongoDB,nodemon.
->show all : http://localhost:3500/listMovies
->pegination : http://localhost:3500/movies?page=1&limit=5 ;
->sort by rating : http://localhost:3500/sortByRatingMovies?ACD=-1
->filter by lang : http://localhost:3500/sortByLangMovies?language=English
->delete : http://localhost:3500/deleteMovie/Severence
->The code is a simple express app that listens on port 3500.
->It has one route, /, which is the root of all routes in this application.
->The code starts by requiring the express module and then creating an instance of it called app.
->The next line uses Express's use() method to tell Express to listen for requests on port 3500 and pass them off to the router defined below.
->The code is a simple Express application that listens on port 3500.
->The code starts with a require for the express library.
->Then it defines an object called router, which is used to define routes in Express.
->The first route defined is '/addAllMovies', which takes a movieCrudOperations function as its parameter and calls that function when the user visits this URL.
->The next route defined is '/listMovies'.
->This route also takes a movieCrudOperations function as its parameter and calls that function when the user visits this URL.
->The last two routes are 'patch' and 'delete'.
->These take no parameters because they don't need any input from users to complete their tasks.
->The code is a basic example of how to create an Express application.
->The code also shows the use of the router and routes, which are used to map URLs to functions in your application.
->The code above is a simple example of how to add movies using a CRUD operations function.
->The code starts by requiring the mongoose library.
->The code then creates a movie schema, which is a collection of fields that are required for all movies.
->Next, it creates an instance of MovieModel using the movie schema and exports it to be used in other modules or scripts.
->The code is not supposed to be a constructor function for MovieModel.
->The code starts by importing the MovieModel class and moviesData.
->It then creates a new instance of the MovieModel class with req.body as an argument, which is passed in from the request object.
->The code then calls save() on movie to insert it into the database and logs that it was added to movies collection.
->The code starts by importing the Movie model and movies data classes.
->It then creates a new instance of the Movie model with req.body as an argument, which is passed in from the request object.
->The code then calls save() on movie to insert it into the database and logs that it was added to movies collection
->The code will show the movies inserted in the database.
->The code will show the total number of movies shown