
Unable to load module

Closed this issue · 2 comments

With three in the latest version (0.142.0) if I try to use @react-three/postprocessing I get an error:

Error: Cannot find module '/xxx/node_modules/three/examples/jsm/capabilities/WebGL'

Which I could track back to this package, it seems that your require statement isn't valid anymore.

Is there a way to fix this?

0beqz commented

Yeah this effect needs that "WebGL.js" module from three.js' examples folder to check if WebGL2 is available. I just inlined that function to check for WebGL2 now and removed the import of the "WebGL.js".
Could you test if the issue is resolved in the newest version (2.0.4)?

Thanks, I've submitted the problem at @react-three/postprocessing, so they can update the dependency