
Reverse-engineering and hacking the Yamaha PSS-270 "toy" musical keyboard

Yamaha PSS-270

This repo contains my work on reverse-engineering, hacking, modifying and upgrading the Yamaha PSS-270 portable electronic "toy" keyboard.

My goal is to outfit the device with various modern features, including but not limited to:

  • MIDI in and out capability, with ability to control all functions of the device
  • USB sound output capability (a USB sound device that appears as a "mic" to a PC)
  • USB power and Rechargeable Li-Ion battery power
  • Onboard MIDI playback (SD card, USB, etc.)
  • Direct access to the OPL chip (e.g. use the keyboard as an external OPL synth, playback OPL dumps, etc)
  • And more...

This repository will archive documentation and code that I find and write to further this effort.


The Yamaha PSS-270 hardware consists of the following:

  • HD6301 main CPU
    • 4KB of ROM (unlikely to be able to get a ROM dump, sadly)
    • 128 bytes onboard RAM
    • 29 GPIO lines
    • Actual part number is HD6301YB61P/XC194001. No data on these part numbers, likely the specific mask ROM part numbers for this keyboard
  • YM2413 "OPLL" synthesizer chip, based on OPL2 with cost-reducing modifications
  • Other ICs in the device according to the schematic:
    • LB1214 - Sanyo transistor array - drives LED display
    • MN3206 - 128-stage low noise operation BBD - used for stereo phasing effect?
    • MN3102 - Clock chip for MN3206 - same as above
    • NJM4558DV - dual op-amp - used in filtering stages
    • TA7232P - Power amplifier

Main system TTL voltage is 5V. Since input voltage comes from 9V-12V of source power (either from DC input jack or batteries) there is a 5V regulator onboard. We could bypass this regulator for a direct 5V power feed from USB.