
Can't get it to work

ferologics opened this issue · 5 comments

mb@ms-MacBook-Pro ~> fishline
Warning: last status not passed as positional '-s' argument to fishline
fish: Unknown command __fishline_segment_close
~/.config/fish/functions/fishline.fish (line 71): 
in function 'fishline'
	called on standard input

mb@ms-MacBook-Pro ~> 
mb@ms-MacBook-Pro ~> git clone https://github.com/0rax/fishline.git/ ~/.config/fish/fishline
Cloning into '/Users/mb/.config/fish/fishline'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1090, done.
remote: Total 1090 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1090
Receiving objects: 100% (1090/1090), 328.59 KiB | 1.07 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (696/696), done.
mb@ms-MacBook-Pro ~> vim ~/.config/fish/config.fish
mb@ms-MacBook-Pro ~> fishline
fish: Unknown command fishline
mb@ms-MacBook-Pro ~> fish
source: Error encountered while sourcing file '/Users/mb/.config/fish/conf.d/themes/default_256_colors.fish':
source: No such file or directory
source: Error encountered while sourcing file '/Users/mb/.config/fish/conf.d/themes/default_symbols.fish':
source: No such file or directory
Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell

Same here.

0rax commented

Hello there, sorry for the late reply it seems that the notifications for this issue got lost in transit.

The issue here seems to arise from this part of the code https://github.com/0rax/fishline/blob/master/init.fish#L23-L32 which makes me think that there might be an issue with your FLINE_PATH.

@ferologics in your second example, after updating config.fish, you either need to source it (via source ~/.config/fish/config.fish or restart fish for your configuration to be taken into account.

If the issue still exist after that, could you please show me the content of your config.fish at the time of testing as well as the output of fish --version and fishline -v ?

There might be an issue in how the FLINE_PATH is set, either in your config.fish or as it is inferred in fishline/init.fish.


@0rax thx 4 the reply. I ended up using the Tide prompt. 🤷‍♂️

0rax commented

Fair enough, tide is a pretty good alternative with a more active development. Glad you were able to find something that fits your need.