
Shading significance along signal traces

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Dear spm1d and Todd
Sorry in advance for the simple question.
Is there a method already implemented in the "plot class" for plotting/shading the significant regions (along x axis) in the plot on top of the signal traces, as in the plots I attach here?
I was trying to find such in the documentation, code, and here in the forum.
Kind regards to all.

Screenshot 2024-04-28 210617

Hello Andres,
This is not directly supported in the current version of spm1d but can be achieved using Matplotlib's axvspan. You can use cluster.endpoints to get the relevant x-axis positions, for example:

spmi  = spm1d.stats.ttest2(y1, y0).inference(0.05)
x0,x1 = spmi.clusters[0].endpoints
plt.axvspan(x0, x1, color='red', alpha=0.5)

Dear Todd,
That just worked perfectly!