
[+] something maybe should change in "ghetto-iongraph.py"

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hey, Thanks for your sharing. I use ghetto-iongraph.py to generate the mir graph in ionmonkey. It's very useful.

But I think maybe a little thing maybe should changed.

  • "-s" option .


on line "475", we do something like "./js -s ....". In the newset js shell. The "-s" option been removed(seems)...


  • unicode error

When I use this script. As a Chinese user, The path "c:\usr\wjllz". seems \u \w will be "escape"...


I use a replace function make it work....


  • Can't show the gv file in the html file

When I open the index.html file, I can't see anything(I guess maybe it is because of that the gv file is too large....)


And I use "dot -Tpng xx.gv -o xx.png "... maybe png file will be better? I don't know too much about this...

Thank u very much, best wishes!

Thanks for the report!

I'll try to have a look at this next week 👍



Hey, Seems the third problem is easy to solve.

When I open the index from the by click it. seems the security property by browser will disable us fetch the a file from "file//c".
seems it is named "cross site?".

So I use python to create a local server.

   python2.exe -m SimpleHTTPServer

Obviously, it works!

Would u mind add this tips to your readme file. I think it maybe useful fro another. Thank u.
