
Repo for work arising out of the public credentials working group

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Credentials Working Group


Welcome! As a part of TBD’s Open Source effort, specifically around Verifiable Credentials, we are kicking off our first working group around all things credentials. We’ve had an influx of interest from both individuals and organizations that have read the tbDEX whitepaper and want to get involved. Primarily (and fittingly), the interest has been from those in the financial industry, considering how they can adapt to the emergent world of Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Credentials. Our goal is to bring all interested parties together to document use cases and requirements, create diagrams, propose and influence standards in existing standards organizations, and work towards building real-world, standards-based, interoperable software.

The working group will first be focused on use cases around tbDEX: any credentials that may be used in a decentralized exchange interaction such as those around Know Your Customer (KYC)/Know Your Business KYB), Identity Verification (IDV), and risk scoring. We’ll be building off of existing standards work in the W3C and DIF, and others, as well as influencing nascent standards initiatives such as the recently kicked off Trust Establishment and Schema Directory work items in the DIF Claims and Credentials Working Group. If your organization is not a member of the DIF, we recommend you join, and we’re happy to help with the process—just reach out!

Organizaiton & Communication

To help organize the group, we have two main methods of communication:

  1. #credentials-wg on the TBD Discord

Used for real-time chat, voice chat, and group meetings.

  1. The Credentials Working Group category on the TBD user forums.

Used this for longer-form discussion, ideation, and organization of work items. The forum is broader than this working group and facilitates discussion for all things Web5/TBD.

  1. This GitHub Repo!

Used for housing meeting notes, diagrams, documentation, and some technical content (such as Verifiable Credentials Vocabularies).

Software-wise, we’ll primarily be focusing on utilizing the SSI SDK and SSI Service projects.


Becoming a member is informal: all you need to do is engage. This is an open group, and we encourage you to share it with your colleagues across the industry. Open source, and open standards are only strengthened by broad participation. We look forward to seeing what we can build together.

Meetings will be held 2x a month, on Tuesdays at 9 AM PDT. For specific information about meetings visit the "Events" section of our Discord, and check out the forums which will have a post before each meeting.


Project Resources

Resource Description
CODEOWNERS Outlines the project lead(s)
CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md Expected behavior for project contributors, promoting a welcoming environment
CONTRIBUTING.md Developer guide to build, test, run, access CI, chat, discuss, file issues
GOVERNANCE.md Project governance
LICENSE Apache License, Version 2.0

This is my copy