
Discord client for Bobby B Bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bobby B Bot - Discord version

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In this repository you can find the Discord version of the Bobby B Bot.

How to use it

Simply mention the bot's name in your channel '@Bobby B' after adding it via this link, and the bot will reply with a random quote.

How to install

  1. Create a virtual environment and activate it (this is optional but when working with Python, I cannot recommend it enough) or create a root folder that will hold all the code;
  2. Clone discord repository inside this virtual enviroment folder (let's call it 'root') and then clone utils repository. The final structure should be somewhat similar to this:
+ root
└───+ discord
│     |-- discord_bot.py
└───+ utils
      |-- __init__.py
      |-- core.py
      |-- logging_config.ini
      |-- quotes.json
      |-- triggers.json
  1. Run command pip install -r requirements.txt in discord directory (this should install the requirements for utils as well, otherwise, you can also run the command in utils folder);
  2. Done, you are ready to configure it.

TL;DR Installation:

$ python -m venv <venv_name>
$ cd venv_name
$ source bin/activate
(venv_name) $ git clone https://github.com/bobby-b-bot/discord.git
(venv_name) $ git clone https://github.com/bobby-b-bot/utils.git
(venv_name) $ cd discord
(venv_name) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

How to configure and run

  1. Create and maintain the .env file for environment variables in root discord folder (ENV = 'TEST' or 'PROD' and Discord token in variable TOKEN)
  2. Create and mantain a logging_config.ini file in utils folder for logging configuration (see documentation);
  3. Run the bot (python discord_bot.py)
  4. Have fun!

How to contribute

Feature requests such as new quotes are welcome via issues on GitHub! Feel free to contribute. You can also contribute by donating via Ko-fi or PayPal to keep the servers running.