
various shell scripts

Primary LanguageShell


does a uni-directional sync between two directories, converting lossless audio formats to lossy ogg. ignores any files in a folder (or subfolder of a folder) containing a .no-oggify file. should be okay to run as a cron job. useful for portable music players/phones.

this is UNSUPPORTED AND NOT THOROUGHLY TESTED. I am not responsible for loss of data!


lists load averages of local machine and a list of servers, or states if the server is down.


basic status script for i3bar. shows current track from DeaDBeeF and/or number of tasks from todo.sh. prepends to whatever is already in your i3bar configuration.

status screenshot


exports variables containing either conky color codes if the first argument is "conky", or ANSI escape sequences otherwise. see stats.sh for an example.

incomplete, but you can easily extend for your own use.


some professors at my university give out slides in pdf format with two slides per page, which might be convenient for printing but I find incredibly irritating when trying to read digitally. this is a simple imagemagick oneliner to undo that.