
add a "today's objectives" section to the to-do list

0x416c616e opened this issue · 2 comments


  1. making new database table (just a varchar(64) and int for a primary key)
  2. updating database instructions markdown document
  3. put info on how to make the initial entry in the instructions doc, and then actually do it
  4. new database connection code in todolist.php

here's what it will look like:
Today's objectives:
What that means is that items in the to-do list with priorities of 0 to 530 will be what you want to concentrate on for that particular day. It can be stored as a single string, and it will be a database table where only a single row is used.

finished 1, 2, 3, and 4
but now I need to add a today.php so it can have update functionality, rather than just read functionality
