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This script automates the installation and configuration of Wazuh, Elasticsearch, and Kibana for host-based monitoring. It sets up the Wazuh manager, Wazuh API, Filebeat, Elasticsearch, and Kibana, allowing you to monitor and analyze security events on your system.
Ferramenta de Reconhecimento para Pentest
This script automates the creation of Docker containers for environments running the Ubuntu operating system.
Script para baixar conteúdos do Studeo de forma automatizada.
This script assists security researchers in their proof of concept to validate the existence of an XML-RPC vulnerability on WordPress sites.
Este script é uma ferramenta útil para realizar auditorias de segurança em repositórios do GitHub
🔒 A curated checklist of 300+ tips for protecting digital security and privacy in 2021
It is a PowerShell script designed to securely transfer files between a remote SFTP server and a local machine. It uses the WinSCP module for PowerShell to establish an SFTP session and perform file operations such as copying or moving files.
This script automates the creation of VPN connections from a configuration XML file.
tor_ip_switcher is useful for making any DoS attack look like a DDoS attack. Works with toriptables2.
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