
[bug] NS Switch scripts error

sakurakocho opened this issue · 4 comments

These scripts show error for Agent 0.1.4 and yuzu 1734
Game version is 1.0.0 for Umineko and 1.0.2 for Tsukihime
Umineko got ReferenceError: katakanaMap is not initialized
Tsukihime got ReferenceError: decoder is not initialized

I can't reproduce your problem.
Update your scripts and make sure to hook before launching the game.

Updated scripts and hooked before launch but still got same errors

Mhh someone on the discord had the same problem a few month ago.
You need to update agent (the program not the scripts)
If despite that it doesnt work then i don't know.

Redownloaded agent and the scripts work now.
Thank you for your help.