Truffle v5.0.2 (core: 5.0.2)
Solidity - ^0.4.24 (solc-js)
Node v14.21.3
To start UI: npm run dapp
To start Blockchain: ganache-cli -m "candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat" -a 25
To start Oracle Server: npm run server
If Operational Status isn't working in Dapp: Truffle migrate
Cut short last session; refactored flight registation to include name of airline due to weird requirements in the rubric, but honestly, probably just not going to use that. It's not going to be "user friendly" to buy insurance with the address of the flight but I don't think it's worth the time to change it. The weird requirement is that there should be fields for both the name and the address in the passenger section but they're always going to be mapped to each other anyways so it's just going to be based on address.
index.html links to index.js and contract.js, contract.js links to flightSuretyApp.js and flightSuretyData.js. All buttons hitting smart contract functions. All smart contract functions work.
Went ahead and submitted it, got kicked back because I didn't realize that just because the oracle tests are working, doesn't mean the server is preconfigured to work with the oracles (go figure). Fixed that (I think) and resubmitted. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Haven't been able to work on this for a bit, but happy to be back.
We also got an extra week so it looks like the new due date is Friday April 21st.
Oracle tests are done, still need to link frontend to smart contracts
Also still need to look over requirements and make sure everything is done
Oracle tests were fixed, still need to create another test to validate payouts on bad status, should be easy enough to just copy test and change status code Also still need to link frontend to smart contracts Also need to look over requirements and make sure everything is done
All Contracts are done I think, seem to be passing tests, pretty sure functionality is complete probably would want to run through tests again (maybe just check rubric for requirements)
Front end (index.html) has all that's needed, css is fine, haven't tested functionality yet Still need to stich together the index.js to the front end to the contract.js Began working on prompt for this but it might not be relevant anymore (chat can be founder under "Fix Syntax in test script")
Also need to figure out how the oracles hook in exactly, I think I have a okay idea but need to test it out.
Also created a rubric that exists in notion
Due date is exactly 14 days away, should be easy to finish in time
FlightSurety is a sample application project for Udacity's Blockchain course.
This repository contains Smart Contract code in Solidity (using Truffle), tests (also using Truffle), dApp scaffolding (using HTML, CSS and JS) and server app scaffolding.
To install, download or clone the repo, then:
npm install
truffle compile
To run truffle tests:
truffle test ./test/flightSurety.js
truffle test ./test/oracles.js
To use the dapp:
truffle migrate
npm run dapp
To view dapp:
npm run server
truffle test ./test/oracles.js
To build dapp for prod:
npm run dapp:prod
Deploy the contents of the ./dapp folder