
Projet final EPFL CS-341 Intro to computer graphics

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Our project in brief

We will generate an animated scene that helps to visualize an audio recording by breaking it into different frequency ranges and applying each range’s amplitude to the movement of an object in the scene. These objects can be, for example, a series of rectangular prisms that stretch proportionally to the amplitude.

Goals and Deliverables

Minimum implementation requirements

  • 3D Music viewer base scene: We should have the scene’s background with all the cubes that will scale based on the music.
  • Cubes scalability based on a pre-defined song: We will attach a small default song to the project. The cubes in the scenes should scale according to that song.
  • Fast fourrier transform algorithm implementation to group the frequencies associated to the audio file
  • Camera movement: The user should be able to move the camera around and to zoom.
  • Cubes color: The cubes’ colors should change depending on their height or the frequency.
  • Phong illumination: The scene should be lit using the Phong illumination model.

Optionnal extensions

  • Add movement to the scene (on a time axis) along with the tempo of the song
  • Dynamic music input: Allow users to upload an audio file and have our program generate the animation
  • Varied Scenes: After creating the scene with rectangular prisms, we can apply the same frequency separation algorithm to the audio file and output a different scene. For example, colored spheres that grow accordingly, or lines that deform. We can also create a flat surface that deforms into mountains with proportionate height to the amplitude.
  • Shadows: We can add shadows to the prisms or other objects in the scene



In the case of the minimum implementation requirements, we will deliver a video of our animation accompanying a pre-selected song that clearly demonstrates the prisms’ reactions to different frequencies at different amplitudes. Since our project is web-based, we will allow this animation to run interactively within the browser.


In the case of reaching the optional requirements, we will also include a method to input an audio file with options on selecting the desired scene to display.

Milestone Report

Accomplishments Summary

  • Started our project by using our progress from exercise 5.
  • Replaced the solar system with a grid of 16x16 cubes.
  • Added an audio player function
  • Tested animation of cube based on sim_time
  • Added the fast fourier transform algorithm
  • Added the mathJS library for complex number calculations
  • Affect the scale of each cube to the amplitude of a channel
  • Change the cube color based on the scale
  • Added bezier curve camera path.

Preliminary Results


| Week | Task | Subtask | Assigned to | |:-------------|:------------------|:------| | 1 (24/04 -> 01/05) | Setup of the environment | ✔️ Librairies configuration | Evan | | | | ✔️ Initial scene | Evan | | 2 (01/05 -> 08/05) | Scene items | ✔️ Cubes | Ulrich | | | | ✔️ Skybox | Ulrich | | | | ✔️ Camera movement | Evan | | | Data Model | ✔️ Audio decomposition: fast fourrier transform implementation | Mathieu | | | | ✔️Frequencies grouping and mapping (time series) | Mathieu | | 3 (08/05 -> 15/05) | Animations | ✔️ Cube's movements and colors | Ulrich | | | Surface shading | ✔️ Phong implementation | Evan | | | Colors | ✔️ Dynamic colors | Mathieu | | | Website update | ✔️ Milestone report update | Mathieu | | | Performance issues | ✔️ Being able to play the animation synchronized with the music | Mathieu | | 4 (15/05 -> 2/05) | Extras | Interactive audio file upload | Ulrich | | | Extras | Dynamic shapes| Evan | | | Extras | Shadow generation | Mathieu | | | Cleaning | ✔️ Cleaning the codebase for final submission | Mathieu | | 5 (22/05 -> 26/05) | ✔️ Video creation | | Evan | | | ✔️ Website update | | Mathieu |

Final Report


Our project originated from the idea of combining our passions for music and for computer science. In the context of computer graphics, this meant deconstructing an audio file using a Fourier transform and rendering a visual representation of the different frequencies. The end result is a web based animation of a pre-selected and pre-loaded mp3 file with cinematic bézier curve camera movement as well as free camera movement and play/pause functionality.

Technical approach

Project setup

We started from a modified version of the 5th assigment (ex5_gpu_phong) as a base for our project.

Radix-2 Cooley-Tuckey FFT

Most common implementation of the FFT algorithm. It computes the discrete fourrier transform of a given wave using a divide and recombine recursive algorithm. While the implementation in JS is much less efficient than one in C++ or Web-assembly, we found that the performance were satisfying enough for the purpose of this project.

To smoothen the animation we filtered te amplitude output of the FFT. Resulting in a slower "descent" of the cubes.

Turn-table Camera & Bezier curves for cinematic intro

The turntable camera was inspired and modified from the 4th assigment. We added a bezier path to circle around the scene before allowing the user to freely control the camera.

Preloading and reduced sampling

The Milestone version of the project was having some synchronisation issues (sound/animation). While isolating causes for this problem, we thought of pre-computing the fourrier analysis (at the lauch of the webpage) before playing the animation. This fixed the issue. It also permitted us to fix the sample rate for the analysis (previously it was bounded by the framerate).

Phong Illumination model

Reused and modified the implementation from 5th assigment (ex5_gpu_phong).


Here's our final outputs, you can open the demo link to try the webgl demo or view a sample output for MGMT & C2C.

Try the webgl demo
Electric Feel - MGMT Sample output
FUYA - C2C Sample output

Contribution breakdown

Ulrich: FFT algorithm, phong model, Bezier Curves, Project setup
Mathieu: Camera, Project updates & website, Codebase management, Performance issues, Final Video & report
Evan: Project setup, simulation controls, Performance issues & synchronization, pre-loading


  • Course slides: The class concepts will be used so we will use the slides
  • The Web Audio API: provides a powerful and versatile system for controlling audio on the Web, allowing developers to choose audio sources, add effects to audio, create audio visualizations, apply spatial effects (such as panning) and much more.
  • Previous assignments and their libraries (regl_1.3.13 & gl_matrix3.2.1)
  • Cooley–Tukey FFT algorithm pseudo-code
  • Github pages (for the reports)

Project developped by Evan Kirby McGregor - Ulrich Dah - Mathieu Bélanger