
Unable to verify proxy contracts after deployment

josojo opened this issue · 1 comments

I am getting the following error:

Failed to verify ProxyAdmin contract at 0xdc343C1f453A89B901Fa511D87F4a2eF2Aa36222: Bytecode does not match with the current version of ProxyAdmin in the Hardhat Upgrades plugin.

(this was a goerlie deployment).

Reproduction steps:

git checkout main
modify .env and deploy_parameters.json
npm run deploy:deployer:ZkEVM:goerli
npm run verify:deployer:ZkEVM:goerli
npm run deploy:testnet:ZkEVM:goerli
npm run verify:ZkEVM:goerli

Probably, you guys have an extra trick on how to verify the proxy contracts, after a deterministic deployment. Would you mind share it?

Okay, we solved this one:
require('@nomiclabs/hardhat-etherscan') is deprecated and one should update to require('@nomicfoundation/hardhat-verify')
Once this is done, verification works smoothly for us. Cheers