
make generate-issuer-did error

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Got this error when running the command make generate-issuer-did
Tried to set ISSUER_VAULT_USERPASS_AUTH_ENABLED=true still doesn't work.

2023/11/18 04:00:58 INFO starting issuer node... revision=""
2023/11/18 04:00:58 INFO missing toml config file. Fallback to env vars err="Config File "config" Not Found in "[/service /home/runner/work/sh-id-platform/sh-id-platform]""
2023/11/18 04:00:58 INFO ISSUER_API_UI_ISSUER_DID value is missing
time=2023-11-18T04:00:58.728Z level=INFO msg="Vault userpass auth not enabled"
time=2023-11-18T04:01:02.806Z level=ERROR msg="creating identity" err="can't create babyJubJub key: Error making API request.\n\nURL: PUT http://vault:8200/v1/iden3/new/random/BJJ:07edebdbe78ddcc45c906318b1a6120b\nCode: 503. Errors:\n\n* Vault is sealed" id=
time=2023-11-18T04:01:02.806Z level=ERROR msg="error creating identifier" !BADKEY="cannot create identity: can't create babyJubJub key: Error making API request.\n\nURL: PUT http://vault:8200/v1/iden3/new/random/BJJ:07edebdbe78ddcc45c906318b1a6120b\nCode: 503. Errors:\n\n* Vault is sealed"

Hi @xdimension, if you want to configure the issuer node to authenticate against Vault with the userpass approach you must add these vars to .env-issuer file:


Another approach is by using the vault root token. For that change first the .env-issuer like this:


then run make add-vault-token to add the vault token to the .env-issuer file.
After running that command you should see something like this in that file:


Also, you can check the vault token running make print-vault-token and the result should be the same, hvs.XXX in this example.

Thanks for your reply.
I tried again and when I run the command make private_key=XXX add-private-key; I got an error:

docker exec issuer-vault-1
vault write iden3/import/pbkey key_type=ethereum private_key=XXX
Error writing data to iden3/import/pbkey: Error making API request.

Code: 503. Errors:

  • Vault is sealed
    make: *** [Makefile:147: add-private-key] Error 2

@xdimension can you paste here the vault container logs ?

Hi @martinsaporiti
I just git clone again this repo and it works now. I check that it has difference main branch commit than I cloned couple days ago. So it seems it has been fixed.

Hi @xdimension, glad to hear that.

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