
Will using random numbers in Claim's RevNonce cause problems?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

The following code show that, the revocation nonce of the issuer's authClaim and claims/credentials issued to holders uses random numbers.

revNonce, err := common.RandInt64()

nonce, err = rand.Int64()

The random algorithm used by both is the same.

// Int64 returns a new random uint64
func Int64() (uint64, error) {
var buf [8]byte
_, err := rand.Read(buf[:4]) // was rand.Read(buf[:])
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf[:]), err

// RandInt64 generate random uint64
func RandInt64() (uint64, error) {
var buf [8]byte
_, err := rand.Read(buf[:4])
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf[:]), err

Is it possible that the same revocationNonce may appear between different claims issued by the issuer to holders, as well as between these claims and the issuer's own authClaim?

Will this cause problems with the revocation of these claims?
For example, when revoking one of them, will it mistakenly cause the other claim(with same revNonce) to be considered as revoked?

hi, the random number is assigned if the nonce is not specified when a claim is created. There is a parameter to do it:
link. Same rev nonce could be a problem in some contexts because all the claims with that nonce will be revoked.

regarding your question: "Is it possible that the same revocationNonce may appear between different claims issued by the issuer to holders, as well as between these claims and the issuer's own authClaim?" yes it's possible but unlikely. btw authClaim rev nonce is 0.

Thank you for your response.

btw authClaim rev nonce is 0.

From the code below, it seems that the issuer may create an identity with a random number as revNonce when creating an identity?

// newAuthClaim generate BabyJubKeyTypeAuthorizeKSign claimL
func newAuthClaim(key *babyjub.PublicKey) (*core.Claim, error) {
revNonce, err := common.RandInt64()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't create revocation nonce: %w", err)
return core.NewClaim(core.AuthSchemaHash,
core.WithIndexDataInts(key.X, key.Y),

Hi @yushihang after calling that method rev nonce is set to 0:

var revNonce uint64 = 0

A very clear answer, thank you for your patience in answering.