
Refactor `apply_delta` for Storage Maps

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As discussed in #737 (comment), we need a PR that fixes how account storage delta is put together and applied.


  • AccountStorageDelta.cleared_items and AccountStorageDelta.updated_items should contain updates only to value slots.
  • AccountStorageDelta.updated_maps should contain updates to storage maps.

This should be sufficient to apply the delta because new roots of storage maps can be computed from the data in updated_maps and can then use these roots to update the corresponding storage slots.

To make the above work, we may need to modify MASM - but there may also be a way around it. For example, if the a set_item event is fired on a map storage slot, transaction host can verify that it is correct, but then ignore it.

Separately, we should also implement AccountStorage::set_map_item() and AccountStorage::get_map_item() methods to mimic the ones in the transaction kernel.

Originally posted by @bobbinth in #737 (review)

I am starting this issue today.

I am not sure I understood 100% why this refactoring is needed. In my understanding, for every change in a StorageMap there is always a change, i.e. the root of the map in a StorageSlot.

This is what the MASM code in api.masm does.

# set the new map item
loc_load.0 exec.account::set_map_item swapw
# set the root of the map in the respective account storage slot
loc_load.0 exec.account::set_item

That means we have two updated entities, AccountStorageDelta.updated_items and AccountStorageDelta.updated_maps, because updated_items tracks changes in StorageSlots, and updated_maps tracks changes in StorageMaps.

Currently, there is also a check that whenever there is a updated_map, there must be a corresponding change in updated_items to ensure consistency.

// make sure storage map deltas are valid
for (index, storage_map_delta) in self.updated_maps.iter() {
return Err(AccountDeltaError::ImmutableStorageSlot(*index as usize));
// for every storage map delta there should be one corresponding storage item update
if !self.updated_items.iter().any(|(idx, _)| idx == index) {
return Err(AccountDeltaError::StorageMapDeltaWithoutStorageItemChange(
*index as usize,
if !storage_map_delta.is_empty() {

It could be implemented differently, without question, but I don't know what the reason behind it is.

The main reasons is that having both storage map updates and storage slot updates (for slots which contain storage maps) is redundant. This means:

  • The deltas are slightly bigger (this is very minor).
  • It is possible to encode data in the delta inconsistently (e.g., storage slot updates would indicate one root for a storage map, while corresponding storage map updates would result in a different root). It is possible to deal with this, but that means extra code in various places (e.g., during application of the delta, during deserialization of the delta etc.).

Closed by #758.