
starknet object does not exist in known properties

Closed this issue · 10 comments

I have installed the plugin and also added it in the hardhat.config.ts file but still seeing this error

Type '{ defaultNetwork: string; gasReporter: { currency: string; enabled: boolean; excludeContracts: never[]; src: string; }; networks: { hardhat: { accounts: { mnemonic: string; }; chainId: number; }; goerli: NetworkUserConfig; kovan: NetworkUserConfig; rinkeby: NetworkUserConfig; ropsten: NetworkUserConfig; }; paths: { ...' is not assignable to type 'HardhatUserConfig'.

 Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'starknet' does not exist in type 'HardhatUserConfig'.ts(2322)

Which starknet-hardhat-plugin version are you using? Some breaking changes were introduced with plugin v0.4.0, be sure to check them out: https://github.com/Shard-Labs/starknet-hardhat-plugin/releases/tag/v0.4.0

hey, I am just using the latest master from this repo and trying to run tests

ok, but which Plugin version?

can you try reinstalling your node_modules?

removed node_modules and tried again, still the same issue.
were you folks able to reproduce the problem?

not able to reproduce it, @dribeiro-ShardLabs what do you think?

Hi, can you share the package.json and packagelock.json files? Also, try running npm update. I remember someone having a similar issue and it was due to the hardhat version they were using.

ok, I think I found the issue, I tried installing packages via yarn install and it was not working but when I tried npm install the issue was not there anymore

Thank you for your feedback :) we will reference this issue in the Readme.