
Special characters not being escaped on `system` call

ernestorocha opened this issue · 2 comments

When running the command gpt and on the input prompt the phrase has some special character, for instance ', it breaks the system call of the plugin.

For example:


This is caused by how the system call is made here https://github.com/0xStabby/chatgpt-vim/blob/master/plugin/chatgpt.vim#L10

So, we should escape the input string with shellescape, like this:

  let prompt = shellescape(input("Enter chatgpt prompt: "))

as described here: https://github.com/airblade/vim-system-escape/blob/master/README.md

And remove the single quote from system call:
Previous code:

    let output = system("echo '" . prompt . "' | openai complete - -t " . g:openaiToken)

New code:

    let output = system("echo " . prompt . " | openai complete - -t " . g:openaiToken)

So we can perform queries with special characters:


PS: Great plugin by the way! :)

Oh awesome! Thanks for the fix! This is an issue I was aware of but had not gotten around to figuring out a solution.

If you would like you can feel free to fork the repo and create a pull request with this update, I will pull it in. If not then I'll just throw the fix in myself.

And thanks, glad you like it! ☺️

Added, thanks again for the tip!