- 0
HapB3 alternate name
#79 opened by aroon-color - 0
Sequencing profile for Nanopore
#78 opened by NaphatCode - 3
Discrepancies between Aldy results from BAM vs VCF files (hg19 reference genome)
#74 opened by paraveeown - 2
- 2
Genotyping error using long read data
#70 opened by sumudu-rangika - 5
Aldy test error
#69 opened by TuBieJun - 1
Aldy can not create profile for hg38
#75 opened by AlirezaTafazzoli - 1
- 3
Question about low coverage sequencing samples
#67 opened by anh151 - 3
- 3
Incorrect label for CYP2E1*7.005?
#62 opened by ldgauthier - 1
Changelog last updated for v4.2
#68 opened by aroon-color - 2
Failed pytest after installation
#55 opened by pbrennan-mvz - 1
cn neutral region option does not work properly
#59 opened by seokho92 - 2
- 2
Issues calling long read whole genome sequencing
#63 opened by anh151 - 5
- 1
ERROR: gene= ifnl3, profile= wgs, file= 1_HB00001.cram The average coverage of the sample is too low (1.3).
#49 opened by SammyTTA - 1
Aldy profile Creation
#60 opened by sahalpaladan - 1
- 1
Command argument -n --cn-neutral-region not updating neutral region
#65 opened by chrisEisenhartBitscopic - 2
- 1
AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'") for gene= UGT1A1
#64 opened by J-Bradlee - 3
- 1
- 1
Aldy v4.4 incorrectly calls GeT-RM sample NA21781 that was correctly called by Aldy v2.2.6
#50 opened by VasilisFlouris - 4
CYP3A4 and rs2740574 handling
#46 opened by aroon-color - 1
ERROR: truncated file cannot be accessed
#48 opened by SammyTTA - 4
aldy test failed
#42 opened by CryALotz - 6
Genotype Interpretation and Possible bugs
#45 opened by anh151 - 1
Docker container
#29 opened by marchoeppner - 5
- 1
Aldy test error
#39 opened by deb0612 - 2
Some gene cannot be accessed
#38 opened by deb0612 - 0
output file missing coverage info
#37 opened by PWSmit - 1
phase error
#36 opened by Keshavsrikar - 6
Aldy does not recognize [23936, A>G, rs7088784]
#33 opened by lonny1999 - 1
Copy number neutral region
#35 opened by sumudu-rangika - 2
Multiple BAM files?
#32 opened by JARM89 - 1
- 1
G6PD genotype
#23 opened by jucosie - 5
Providing --phase parameter for Aldy
#24 opened by AlirezaTafazzoli - 0
Import Error for Conftest
#27 opened by joseph-yclam - 2
Add CES1 genes
#22 opened by dridk - 1
interpreting aldy outputs
#25 opened by mgonzalezporta - 1
- 1
ERROR: gene= CYP1A2
#20 opened by deb0612 - 3
Alignment to PGx regions only
#17 opened by kokyriakidis - 1
Aldy test Assertion Error for the new year :)
#18 opened by rrdavis77 - 1