
RemoteUnixTerminal - Windows Client and UNIX Server

Primary LanguageC


RemoteUnixTerminal - Windows Client and UNIX Server

About: 📝

This program allows you to organize remote access to a computer terminal(Linux).

System requirements(Client): 📞

OS: Windows 10 1604 and later

System requirements(Server): 💻

OS: Gentoo Linux, Arch Linux, Debian Linux.

Installation from Linux: 🔎


  1. git clone https://github.com/0xlay/RemoteUnixTerminal.git
  2. rm -R Client && rm -R readme_pictures && cd Server
  3. Build project => python3 ./Build.py
  4. Launch Server => ./Server_RemoteUnixTerminal

Installation from Windows: 🔎

GitHub Releases

  • Binary files:
  1. Extract from archive to folder
  2. Launch Client => Client_RemoteUnixTerminal.exe
  • Source files:
    • Dependecies:

    • Project assembly:

      • Extract from archive to folder
      • Delete "Client" and "readme_pictures" folders
      • Go to "Client" foulder
      • Create foulder "build"
      • Go to "build" foulder
      • Run command in cmd => cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
      • Run command in cmd => cmake --build .

Manual 🔎

Default "Server" login: root
Default "Server" password: root

In order to change the username and password you need to go: RemoteUnixTerminal/Server/data and open authorization.txt.
First string it's "login".
Second string it's "password".
Default "Server Port": 65322. (Doesn't change.)

In order to connect to the server, go to settings and indicate ip and port.

Author: 0xlay