
DEV03-AWS100 - Install/Configure AWS CLI then create an S3 bucket

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DEV03-AWS100 - Install/Configure AWS CLI then create an S3 bucket

Choose the Cloud Service Provider (Please only choose one, unless its multi-cloud, delete the remaining)

  • Amazon Web Services

Choose the level of difficulty (Please only choose one, delete the remaining)

  • Level 100 (Introductory)

Choose the category (Please only choose one, delete the remaining)

  • Developer Tools (DEV)

Calculate the estimated time required to complete this project (Rather go with more if unsure)

  • 20-30 minutes

It looks good to me!

I'm not sure if this should be 100. There are a lot of steps to this:

  • Make sure to have an IAM user
  • Create access/secret keys in the console
  • Install the AWS CLI on your operating system (different workflow for each)
  • Run aws configure and set up the keys and everything
  • Create bucket with aws s3api create-bucket xyz
  • Make sure bucket is there (console is enough)

Yeah maybe 100, true. But please describe the steps in detail.

ok, will do ๐Ÿ™‚