There have been an update 4.2.7
Opened this issue · 17 comments
We are looking forward to getting a crack on version 4.2.7
i keep getting
“” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.
OSX 10.13.6
@si458 That's cause there was a mistaken branch merge, using the same crack I provided for version 4.2.6.
Use this instead : Correct Working Code
@si458 That's cause there was a mistaken branch merge, using the same crack I provided for version 4.2.6.
Use this instead : Correct Working Code
nope still doesn't work :(
and now i cant get the 4.2.6 hack to work either? (forgot to backup app before hand) :(
@si458 do you have java jdk 1.8.0 ? it's needed
SiMacBookPro:~ Simon$ /usr/libexec/java_home -V
Matching Java Virtual Machines (1):
1.8.0_112, x86_64: "Java SE 8" /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_112.jdk/Contents/Home
SiMacBookPro:~ Simon$
@si458 in your terminal run sudo spctl --master-disable and try running it again, should be fixed.
@si458 in your terminal run sudo spctl --master-disable and try running it again, should be fixed.
i have never had to disable the security on my laptop tho which is confusing me?
and now i cant get 4.2.6 to work either?
I don't really know the specifics, I just know it works.
I don't really know the specifics, I just know it works.
ok i found my backup drive, looked in the time machine, restored the app from last week and that works fine... version 4.2.6... ill hang fire on upgrading for now as this works :)
@si458 It's fine, no problem
ok i discovered the issue, apple is marking the file as quarantine, and failing to open it, but if you REMOVE the xattr after you first try to open it, it then works without any issue
SiMacBookPro:Applications Simon$ xattr
SiMacBookPro:Applications Simon$ xattr -d
SiMacBookPro:Applications Simon$
i have also discovered another issue...
1. download the update from there website
2. copy it to applications
3. run the file
BUT do this in this order
1. download the update from there website
2. copy it to applications
3. run the application ONCE AND QUIT
4. run the file
5. works without any issue!
this is due to the gatekeeper and the quarantine...