
MVP blockers

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Blocking issues (as of 1/17) from getting an mvp up. will add more as they become apparent.

Component blockers (gui issues)

  • ModuleNav
    • api to send to signal window (top level issue)
  • MenuBar
    • Open file API
    • Moving to actual menubar from iced-aw
    • why the FUCK does it take a bunch of other messages to have open window propegate?
  • HierNav
    • Test nested hierarchies
  • WaveWindow + SignalWindow
    • Render text value for vector waves
    • Cursor event support
    • z's and x's viz support
    • synchronized state across wave window and the signal window. This inclues adding scrolling in the Y dim for the hscroll widget. Refactor hscroll / canvas to greedily render. We don't need to draw everything every time
    • signal width and signal value shown in signal window

Non gui issues:

  • WaveDB
    • Redesign bucket to make sense
    • Test larger vcds

More broadly refactoring needs to be done to support docs, but I'll add that in another issue.

closing because old