I Google a lot while coding and later forget about the solution. So, this is a one stop repository to store all the resources that I come across. Feel free to use them, and feel free to slide into my DMs or make a PR if you have something useful to contribute.
- Rails Girls Guides
- Curated list of project-based tutorials (Sorted by language)
- 100+ Python challenging programming exercises
- A list of awesome beginners-friendly projects.
- Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2021
- Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
- A list of practical projects that anyone can solve in any programming language
- Build your own (insert technology here)
- Freely available programming books
- Becoming better at data science every day
- A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms.
- A list of CLI workshopper/adventure tutorials for various things. Inspired by awesome.
- A list of SaaS, PaaS and IaaS offerings that have free tiers of interest to devops and infradev
- The perfect Front-End Checklist for modern websites and meticulous developers
- A minimalist writing app to help you focus on what matters
- Hidden Tools
- TL;DR for Developer Documentation
- The internet’s source of freely-usable images
- Music For Programming
- Programming Language Convertor
- HTTP Cat
- Iconscout
- CSS Zen Garden
- A List Apart
- Code Project
- Scotch
- TutsPlus
- Creative Blog
- Codrops
- MDN Web Docs
- The Odin Project
- Code Wars
- WpSessions
- CSS Author
- Laracasts
- Web Design News
- UX Movement
- Gradient Magic
- Trianglify
- CSS Tricks
- Free Frontend
- Code My UI
- CSS Reference
- HTML Reference
- Site Point
- Free CSS
- Awesome Python
- Fun JavaScript Projects
- Daily Dev
- ShortCode Dev
- What Runs
- 1LOC
- Web Code Tools
- Am I Responsive
- Shape Divider
- Fancy Border Radius
- CSS Gradient
- CSS Clip Path
- CSS Layout
- 30 Seconds Of Code
- Undraw
- Humaaans
- W3 Layouts
- Templatemo
- Tooplate
- Visual Genome
- Google Datasetsearch
- Datasetlist
- OpenML
- Papers with Code
- Visual Data Discovery
- Government Data
- Dartmouth Research Guides
- Image Net
- Deep Mind
- Papers with Code: Construction of a Large Scale Image
- Googleblog Introducing Open Images Dataset
- Places MIT
- Diagrams - This is such a great web for draw a lot of diagrams you need. I use it for my databases as long as I need to share with my peers
- CSS Section Generator - If you want to take your website design to another level, this separator generator allows you to create different sections for your web
- Grid by example - The perfect place if you need to understand how grid layout works
- JSFiddle - If you need to test your code and you don't want to open VS Code, JSFiddle brings you the possibility to use an online editor
- Sweet Alerts - A beautiful tool for replacement alerts. It's a npm pakage so you need to install it as a dependencie