
CSS features seem to be unsupported on headless Chromium

davidsneighbour opened this issue · 5 comments

I am pretty sure that this is the wrong place to open this issue and not a problem with your scripts, but somehow it might be helpful to see whatever solution this brings for others: I am using a specific CSS3-feature that seems to be broken in the screenshots.



Original (with Chrome browser loaded):

Screenshot 2022-03-08 at 21-37-05 Creating a GPG Key for Github Gitlab Deployment - kollitsch de

Could you maybe point me in a direction what exactly is the issue here?


  • dark theme is default, light theme is used (cache? I just changed today to the dark theme as default, but adding random characters to the URL won't load a dark theme screenshot)
  • background-clip is not working - code

Is the headless Chrome somehow in-capacitated in regards to specific features? I thought the used browser in puppeteer is the latest version...

Can you provide the URL of the broken page?


The issue comes up too when I run an e2e testing tool over the site (Cypress.io) so my guess currently is, that the browser needs a flag enabled and they disable these styles for speed optimisation.

This was my own fault. I misread the info on caniuse.com as "it's working" when it's actually only working with -webkit prefix. I guess selection of the default theme too is based on a feature not enabled in Chrome. Closing this, sorry.

No worries at all! Appreciate you coming back to update!