
Allow using GitHub access token or oauth to surpass api.github.com ratelimits

txtsd opened this issue · 6 comments

txtsd commented

We've been getting 403 Rate Limit Exceeded on our builds, and this would be a great new feature.

@txtsd it's been a while since I've played w/ the GitHub API, but does it [still?] support setting the GITHUB_TOKEN as an env var, and would that work for you here?

txtsd commented

@txtsd it's been a while since I've played w/ the GitHub API, but does it [still?] support setting the GITHUB_TOKEN as an env var, and would that work for you here?

That only works from within GitHub Actions, afaik.

Ah, I think I've mostly used the npm @octokit/rest package when playing w/ the GitHub API and could set my auth token in there from an env var, per https://octokit.github.io/rest.js/v19#authentication.

Also found https://docs.github.com/en/rest/rate-limit which also recommends Octokit if you're using JavaScript.

https://www.11ty.dev/docs/plugins/fetch/#fetch-google-fonts-css has an example of passing custom HTTP headers. And the above rate limit link shows setting a custom bearer token in the cURL example: -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>"\. Wonder if a combination of that sorcery might work. 🤔

So this cURL will show your API rate limit status:

curl -L \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.github+json" \

  "resources": {
  "rate": {
    "limit": 60,
    "remaining": 52,
    "reset": 1679368640,
    "used": 8,
    "resource": "core"

Now I guess the question is generating a GitHub auth token and trying to explicitly set the "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-TOKEN>" header and see if those authenticated requests count against your quota.

Thank you.