
shorthash can generate the same identifier for different URLs

eatyourgreens opened this issue · 2 comments


I'm using this plugin to cache API responses and I've run into a problem where, occasionally, a URL will resolve to the wrong resource from our database.

The problem seems to occur here, where shorthash is used to generate the cache ID.

Logging a couple of the problem URLs from out API, here's the URL, shorthash(URL) and the resolved resource ID. The second subject ASC0000q71 resolves as subject ASC0000qu3.

https://api.zooniverse.org/projects/illustratedlife/talk/subjects/ASC0000qu3, bc88de75, ASC0000qu3
https://api.zooniverse.org/projects/illustratedlife/talk/subjects/ASC0000q71, bc88de75, ASC0000qu3

Would passing in an optional ID, that overrides the hash, be a useful fix? I'm thinking of trying something like this for our project.

let url = 'https://api.zooniverse.org/projects/illustratedlife/talk/subjects/ASC0000q71';
let subjectData = await CacheAsset(url, {
  id: 'ASC0000q71',
  duration: "1d";
  type: 'json'

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