
Prev/Next for items in eleventyNavigation items

khoivan88 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, thank you for a very useful plugin. I was wondering of something like Prev/Next button is possible for items that prepared by eleventyNavigation?

Some think like:

{% set previousChapter = collections.chapters | eleventyNavigation | getPreviousCollectionItem(page) %}
{% set nextChapter = collections.chapters | eleventyNavigation | getNextCollectionItem(page) %}

Right now, if I have nested navigation, the Prev/Next code in this section but as you might have guess, the items would not be in the same order.

Thank you very much

I also ran into this, so I added a filter to flatten the navigation hierarchy, and add prev and next properties:

 * Flatten a navigation object into an array, and add "next" and "prev"
 * properties.
eleventyConfig.addFilter('flattenNavigationAndAddNextPrev', (nav) => {
  const flat = [];
  const visit = (items) => {
    for (const item of items) {
  for (let i = 0; i < flat.length; i++) {
    const item = flat[i];
    item.prev = flat[i - 1];
    item.next = flat[i + 1];
  return flat;

Then in my template I did something like this:

{% set flatNavItems = collections.docs | eleventyNavigation | flattenNavigationAndAddNextPrev %}
{% for item in flatNavItems %}
  {% if item.url === page.url %}
    {% if item.prev %}
      <a href="{{ item.prev.url }}">
        Previous: {{ item.prev.title }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if item.next %}
      <a href="{{ item.next.url }}">
        Next: {{ item.next.title }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Hope that helps.

Wow, that's cool. Thank you very much for sharing your solution. It has been a while so i don't remember what i did but this would be super helpful for my future project 😃. Thank you