
Highlighting code with CRLF end-of-lines results in double line feeds in output when using Nunjucks

rmcginty opened this issue · 4 comments

This works fine in Markdown, but in Nunjucks, having \r\n at the end of a line results in two blank lines. Apparently Prism is outputting multiple \n instead of preserving the line ending which results in the Nunjucks template code adding an extra blank line for each line in the input.

Solution seems to be to remove all \r prior to highlighting. Submitting a PR.

I've managed to recreate this issue by using either alwaysWrapLineHighlights: true or lineSeparator: "\r\n" as options.

I don't think the issue is with Prism. I think the issue is with the way we're splitting lines here:

let lines = highlightedContent.split("\n");
lines = lines.map(function(line, j) {
if(options.alwaysWrapLineHighlights || highlightNumbers) {
let lineContent = group.getLineMarkup(j, line);
return lineContent;
return line;
return `<pre class="language-${language}"${preAttributes}><code class="language-${language}"${codeAttributes}>` + lines.join(options.lineSeparator || "<br>") + "</code></pre>";

By only splitting on '\n' we're leaving a carriage return in the string. For example:
'foo\r\nbar'.split('\n') --> ['foo\r', 'bar']
Then when we're joining with the line separator we're getting:
['foo\r', 'bar'].join('<br>') --> 'foo\r<br>bar'

Hmm. I am using alwaysWrapLineHighlights: false and lineSeparator: '<br>' and still see the issue. I was able to get the unit tests running. Let me see if I can get a couple of new tests that reproduce the issue.

Those waiting on the above-linked PR can apply this patch (which contains a bunch of irrelevant auto-formatting changes, sorry):

diff --git a/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight/src/HighlightPairedShortcode.js b/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight/src/HighlightPairedShortcode.js
index 5dbd602..bc5765c 100644
--- a/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight/src/HighlightPairedShortcode.js
+++ b/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight/src/HighlightPairedShortcode.js
@@ -3,31 +3,32 @@ const PrismLoader = require("./PrismLoader");
 const HighlightLinesGroup = require("./HighlightLinesGroup");
 const getAttributes = require("./getAttributes");
-module.exports = function (content, language, highlightNumbers, options = {}) {
+module.exports = function(content, language, highlightNumbers, options = {}) {
   const preAttributes = getAttributes(options.preAttributes);
   const codeAttributes = getAttributes(options.codeAttributes);
   // default to on
-  if(options.trim === undefined || options.trim === true) {
+  if (options.trim === undefined || options.trim === true) {
     content = content.trim();
   let highlightedContent;
-  if( language === "text" ) {
+  if ( language === "text" ) {
     highlightedContent = content;
   } else {
     highlightedContent = Prism.highlight(content, PrismLoader(language), language);
-  let group = new HighlightLinesGroup(highlightNumbers);
-  let lines = highlightedContent.split("\n");
+  const group = new HighlightLinesGroup(highlightNumbers);
+  // see https://github.com/11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight/pull/60/files
+  let lines = highlightedContent.split(/\r?\n/);
   lines = lines.map(function(line, j) {
-    if(options.alwaysWrapLineHighlights || highlightNumbers) {
-      let lineContent = group.getLineMarkup(j, line);
+    if (options.alwaysWrapLineHighlights || highlightNumbers) {
+      const lineContent = group.getLineMarkup(j, line);
       return lineContent;
     return line;
-  return `<pre class="language-${language}"${preAttributes}><code class="language-${language}"${codeAttributes}>` + lines.join(options.lineSeparator || "<br>") + "</code></pre>";
+  return `<pre class="language-${language}"${preAttributes}><code class="language-${language}"${codeAttributes}>${lines.join(options.lineSeparator || "<br>")}</code></pre>`;

Shipping with 4.1.0!