
Invalid Addresses?

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello there,

I am having some issues with creating valid Bitcoin addresses with the given SDK. Here is my test code:

from bitcoinlib.wallets import *

w1 = wallet_create_or_open(

print("Wallet address: ", w1.get_key().address)

And any addresses from the get_key() function are not valid (e.g., they aren't prefixed with bc1 for mainnet, tb1 for testnet). Was something changed in a newer version?

Here's an example of the above output: mfvFzusKPZzGBAhS69AWvziRPjamtRhYpZ


Seems like the documentation is out of date. Here's the way to derive valid bitcoin addresses:

from bitcoinlib.wallets import *

w1 = wallet_create_or_open(name="test2002", network='testnet')

pubkey = w1.get_key().key()

addr = Address("{pubkey}", encoding='bech32', script_type="p2wpkh", network="testnet")

print("Wallet address: ", addr.address)

Closing, but considering adding some additional documentation to clear things up.