
generated RSS not a match for Nitter

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I'm assuming (since the base script came from a Nitter issue) that you're aiming to have this work in place of a Nitter instance. :-)

I've been using Nitter to feed RSS to an instance of pleroma-bot; this is the input to a pleroma instance made of of accounts that mirror Twitter accounts, so folks can follow them from a Mastodon client.

Putting this server in place of Nitter should, in theory, just work; life never really matches up with theory though.

The pleroma-bot is barfing on the RSS from this server. The only difference in the "item" blocks seems to be that Nitter has:


in each block and this server doesn't.

("@EFF" being the Twitter account I'm comparing.)

Would it be simple for you to add that attribute?

Sure, you can go ahead an add that in server.ts. No need to create a separate "flavour" for it since it isn't likely to break anything.

I'd never heard of Typescript till I was figuring out how to make this run; I'm very much a sysadmin, not a dev. So this may be a bit barbaric. :-)

To hazard a guess, it'd be adding a line to:


maybe something along the lines of:

dc:creator: username,


(I'll try a few things on my local install and get back to you.)

TypeScript is just JavaScript with some extra syntax here and there. It gets transpiled down to JS after typechecking. 🙂

Probably 'dc:creator': username, yes. If not, the docs will be the place to look.


I found a way that works, and is ingested all the way through to the Mastodon client. Tweets are flowing through https://twitter.oksocial.net/main/public again. :-)

It was adding:

custom_elements: [ {'dc:creator': username}],

to feed.item (I put it between date and description).

I'm not much of a git user either, but I'll see if I can figure out how to submit it as a patch in a suitably github-y way. :-)

(Thanks for setting this up; it helps me a lot.)

Nice! Just click the pencil button here to edit the file and submit a PR.

Can you make sure the whitespace around the brackets looks like this? [{ 'dc:creator': username }],

Sorry; didn't see your note about whitespace till after I did the pull request; thanks for fixing it.

No problem! Just to double check something I didn't notice until after I merged it, was it supposed to be sdc or dc?

It's dc; darn. I fatfingered that.

I sent another pull request with that fixed. Apologies.

Thanks for your help! Glad we got it sorted. 😄