
Create Convoy escort range

132ndNeck opened this issue · 7 comments

Create a range which is suited and have the functionality of convoy escort.
Create a "minefield" on the side of the road, and make IED's go off as convoy moves by (must also be supported by range targets in ambush situations).

ooh nice

happy to take that if I get more info

Ok, sorry about late information.
Suggestion 1:
Make a moving convoy from CONVOY ESCORT START to CONVOY ESCORT END as shown in the picture below: (The trigger zones added in the latest .miz.)

This will basicly be a mission for Range 2A (so fairly close for RW)
Option 1: Will be a hilly terrain with a lot of forrest, so a challenging convoy escort. Benefit is the various range targets in Range 2a, all can be used to set up the scenario as required by the person creating the training.
Set speed to 10 kts, this should give the entire escort phase to 1 hour and 15 minutes.
Veichles: 3x Armored Humwee's and 7x M818 trucks.

This option can also be used for convoy escort training for JTAC's (then taking one of the HUMWEE's, and scenario can be created using the range targets at range 2A.
So this can be used for RW training convoy escort alone, or for JTAC andRW/FW doing convoy escort training.

Option 2:
Veichles: 8x M818 trucks
Create a dry (no live fire) convoy escort to practice basice convoy escort for RW doing an escort.
Convoy start at Kutaisi at convoy escort dry start trigger zone and ends at Senaki convoy escort dry end trigger zone, as shown in the picture below (trigger zones included in latest TRM)

Speed 20kts, will take the convoy roughly 1hour and 10 minutes to finish.

convoy placed close to the airfield, to make it realistic training for OPUF missions, but also to add some complexity to coordinate with ATC during the mission.

Option 1 implemented on Range 2A.
menu options are start/stop movement of convoy and smoke on convoy

Request to change the Humwee's in the convoy to armed humwee's so that JTAC's can use them better .

this was already done when I checked. shall we close this, or add more functions?