
A tool to synthesize siren tones, mostly directed at electromechanical types but can also be used for electronic types too.

Primary LanguagePython


A tool to synthesize siren tones, mostly directed at electromechanical types but can also be used for electronic types too.

Note: This tool is in a development phase. Major changes can come anytime and can change anything. Final product might come in a few months to a year max.


*Additive and Subtractive synthesis to freely make any sort of siren tone
Multiple sweep types, with complete variable rate control.
(Logarithmic, Quadratic and Linear.)
*Multiple waveforms, can even do waveform sweeps over the rise and falling sweeps.
(Square/Pulse, Triangle, Sine and Sawtooth)
*Low-pass, Band-pass, Band-stop and High-pass filters to "emulate" enviroments.
*Distortion effects.
*Reverb/Echo effects.
*: Planned.

Free to use in any sort of game/device/whatever, I am not responsible for any malicious use of this tool.