Question: Works with private repositories?
TomerFi opened this issue · 3 comments
Great action!
Is it suppose to work with private repositories?
so far I've been getting:
fatal: couldn't find remote ref xx/merge
** xx marks the pr number of course.
That's curious. 🤔 Yes, I built this for use originally with private repos. That ref should be ignored. It should only look at head refs AKA branch names.
Lines 8 to 11 in 6521b8e
Do are you using v1.1.2? Can you post the entire logs? Just redact anything you are concerned about. I suspect this is a new non-branch name format, but cannot be sure.
Thank you for responding.
I've used version 1.1.1:
- name: Block autosquash commits
uses: 13rac1/block-fixup-merge-action@v1.1.1
As far as the log goes, in the workflow log I see:
Run 13rac1/block-fixup-merge-action@v1.1.1
/usr/bin/docker run ... ...
Current ref: refs/pull/245/merge
Current branch: 45/merge
remote: Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
fatal: couldn't find remote ref 45/merge
The branch name was better-ci-cd
but I've also tried a couple of other test/temp branch names.
I should point out that I've only tried this with a private repository in my company's organization.
I don't know if it's related but I can try this again using a private repo in my own profile and not withing an organization.
Ah! This issue was fixed in 1.1.2. Please upgrade