
Contribute back to Pwntools

zachriggle opened this issue · 1 comments

You've got a lot of really great ideas implemented here, it would be really cool if you could try to port them to Pwntools and open some Pull Requests!

The biggest barrier to me doing precisely that has always been the presence of pre-existing code I don't want to disturb / think about. Obvious offenders here are the already-existing pwnlib.libcdb & pwnlib.FmtStr modules.

It's not like I haven't thought about it often. There are parts of this repo (see pwnscripts/context.py) that would've been really easier to implement upstream...

...and you know, I wanted to try that with the ROP Pull Request a while back. I ended up calling that one quits because I fundamentally disagreed with the suggested changes, but I also felt that it'd be wrong or counterfactual to brazenly disagree with someone that's sunk in a few hundred thousand lines in commits.

Shifting the work I've done here upstream at some point is essentially inevitable. Keeping up with all of the monkeypatching I have to do to keep pwnscripts alive is something I'm not very keen on maintaining. At the same time, I don't want to see my own designs here butchered in some quick hacky port of half the features to pwntools proper.

You'll be seeing a number of pull requests from me eventually --- just not right now.