
Internal Server Error

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The endpoint we use to fetch jokes is commonly https://official-joke-api.appspot.com/jokes/random which is not reachable right now and hanging up the servers

I have the same issue

Same here. Why is it doing that only when I need this amazing api ?? :(


Can some one please merge pr #91 @15Dkatz

Yes, I'm getting 500 also.

you can try this one

you can try this one


How is that one used? I'm trying to complete Create a Windows Service using BackgroundService and that uses the "random" tag.

you can try this one


How is that one used? I'm trying to complete Create a Windows Service using BackgroundService and that uses the "random" tag.

try this . Just add /random . Maybe this will help rapidapi link

All above APIs' are too helpful. But what about setting a new system in place? I think it would also help to merge new jokes as the authors not accepting PRs' for now. I have created https://karljoke.herokuapp.com
Hopefully this API will work same as this one
Contributions are welcome ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

All above APIs' are too helpful. But what about setting a new system in place? I think it would also help to merge new jokes as the authors not accepting PRs' for now. I have created https://karljoke.herokuapp.com
Hopefully this API will work same as this one
Contributions are welcome ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

Why do you use POST method to get jokes?

Home: https://nova-joke-api.netlify.app/.netlify/functions/index/api

I'll swap to this endpoint for now, but @marlonveiga-santos you plan to keep this running in perpetuity?

Yes ! At the moment I use Netlify's free plan which provides 125k requests per month. I believe it will not be necessary to change this plan anytime soon.

I also want to add more jokes and categories this month, but always keeping the original api's format.

Nice... i just use it for a chat bot ... few req a day so no big deal .but good to hear. cheers

Oh btw, I've also hosted the api on here

Oh btw, I've also hosted the api on here

It's nice !

I think that with more options, more people will be able to use this api without fearing an outage.

The reason I setup this api is because a bot I contribute to used the command i made with this api, ofc that didn't work anymore and i needed a quick solution. I'm using azure because I had put 2 and 2 together. I have a 100 euro azure scholarship and I'm otherwise wasting it. Around 10 euros a month of free money for this! This was my last resort cuz i actually send him a mail but he didn't respond :C

Try using https://joke.deno.dev

It is very well documented, built with TypeScript, exposes a library in addition to the API and uses Deno as a runtime instead of Node.js.

Try using https://joke.deno.dev

THERE WE GO... now we're talkin. once i have some "free" time (hahaha) I'll get my bot migrated over. I feel good aboutt that one. Cheers


I fixed the API to get it running again. Try: https://official-joke-api.wl.r.appspot.com/

@15Dkatz Finally you checked out after a year! That's gr8. Now make sure to check site status after accepting PRs' ๐Ÿ˜„