
cannot add layer to basemap_ggplot with fill aesthetic

btosimongillings opened this issue · 2 comments

When using basemap_ggplot it does not appear to be possible to add additional layers with a fill aesthetic as these seem to interact with an existing (hidden?) fill aesthetic, returning the following error:

Scale for 'fill' is already present. Adding another scale for 'fill', which will replace the existing scale.
Error in f():
! Binned scales only support continuous data
Run rlang::last_error() to see where the error occurred.

Minimum worked example below. Is there a way around this as adding filled polygons seems to be a common requirement:


#set defaults for the basemap
set_defaults(map_service = "osm", map_type = "topographic")

#make a bounding box on British National Grid
x1 <- 565000
y1 <- 341000
x2 <- 570000
y2 <- 346000
bb <- st_sfc(st_polygon(list(rbind(c(x1,y1), c(x1,y2), c(x2,y2), c(x2,y1), c(x1,y1)))))
bb <- st_sf(bb, crs = 27700)

#transform to Mercator for basemap extent
bb3857 <- st_transform(bb, 3857)

#get basemap as GGPLOT
bm <- basemap_ggplot(bb3857)

#create a grid to populate with dummy data
grid <- st_make_grid(x = bb, cellsize = 1000, #size of the grid
offset = c(x1,y1), #ensures the grid starts on whole numbers
what = 'polygons',
square = TRUE)

#convert to sf so can add data
grid <- st_as_sf(grid)
#transform to Mercator
grid3857 <- st_transform(grid, 3857)
#fix geometry name (still don't know why this sometimes gets renamed!)
names(grid3857)[names(grid3857)=='x'] = 'geometry'

#make mapable data
grid3857$count <- runif(25)

#make a plot without the basemap - WORKS, with colour-filled grid
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = bb3857) +
geom_sf(data = grid3857, aes(fill = count)) +

#now try plot with the basemap and just the bounding box = WORKS
bm +
geom_sf(data = bb3857, fill = NA) +
geom_sf(data = grid3857, aes(fill = count, col=count))

#now basemap and grid with fill aesthetic = RUNS NO ERRORS BUT FAILS: no colour aesthetic and no fill
bm +
geom_sf(data = grid3857, aes(fill = count))

#finally with basemap and grid with fill aesthetic and scale = FAILS WITH ERROR
bm +
geom_sf(data = grid3857, aes(fill = count)) +

NB - I tried using basemap_gglayer() instead but that simply hangs mid execute.

I have found that using a combination of the ggnewscale and inherit.aes=F does the trick. From your example try:
library(ggnewscale) bm + new_scale_fill()+ geom_sf(data = grid3857, inherit.aes=F, aes(fill = count)) + scale_fill_viridis_b()

Please reopen if needed. Thanks @Bevann for the ggnewscale example.