
Concourse pipeline for deploying compliance.cloud.gov


This repo contains the Concourse pipeline for deploying compliance.cloud.gov a gitbook system security plan (SSP) for Cloud.Gov.

This repo also contains the Dockerfile for creating the images used in the pipeline.

Local testing

  1. Run

    cp credentials.yml.example credentials.yml
    fly -t lite set-pipeline -n -c pipeline.yml -p compliance-documentation -l credentials.yml
    fly -t lite unpause-pipeline -p compliance-documentation
  2. Go to the pipeline page

Note this won't actually complete the deployment to compliance.cloud.gov...you will need to modify credentials.yml and run set-pipeline again for that to work.

Production Notes

  1. In production, this should not run under an individual's cloud.gov account. It is currently deployed using the cloudgov-deployer limited deployment user. Ask in #cloud-gov-support if you wish to deploy this pipeline and do not know how to get those credentials.