
Update Accessibility guidance

ryanhofdotgov opened this issue · 4 comments

Had 2 folks across TTS mention the quality/utility issues of https://engineering.18f.gov/accessibility-scanning/ in past week – seems like a good place to start a sweep of content updates on.

Desirable qualities:

  • Uses up-to-date open source projects and standard TTS tooling (e.g., docker, not vagrant).
  • Ideally, something we can refer to in a QASP and (semi-)automate with CI/CD tools.

Relevant comments from today's Accessibility/DevOps guild meeting:

aduth commented

The 18F Accessibility Guide also includes relevant resources, both on the homepage ("Testing Tools") and under the Tools subpage:

The latter includes a subsection about automated testing.

It could be worth considering to either add links to these resources, or consolidate them.

Closed with #250