Admin and vendor messaging - Auction show page - Winning bid for closed auctions
Closed this issue · 3 comments
mtorres253 commented
As an admin or a vendor, I want to quickly see the winning bid for any auction, so if I am viewing the show page of an auction, the winning bid should be shown to me.
- Admin and Vendor/visitor sees winning bid and winning vendor name in header of show page for closed auctions
- Given I am a visitor to the micro-purchase site
- And there is an auction (reverse or sealed-bid)
- And that auction has ended
- And the auction has a winning bid
- When I go the auction show page for that auction ([id]) or ([id])
- Then I should see a section in the header labeled "Winning bid:"
- And in that section I should see the winning bid for that auction
- And I should see the winning vendor name (or GitHub name) in parentheses after the bid
Use the styles referenced below (or as close as you can get)
harrisj commented
Currently this is
"Winning bid (#{lowest_bidder_name}): #{highlighted_bid_amount_as_currency}"
harrisj commented
mtorres253 commented
Looks like this is working as expected