
Admin and vendor messaging - Auction show page - Winning bid for closed auctions

Closed this issue · 3 comments

As an admin or a vendor, I want to quickly see the winning bid for any auction, so if I am viewing the show page of an auction, the winning bid should be shown to me.

  • Admin and Vendor/visitor sees winning bid and winning vendor name in header of show page for closed auctions
  • Given I am a visitor to the micro-purchase site
  • And there is an auction (reverse or sealed-bid)
  • And that auction has ended
  • And the auction has a winning bid
  • When I go the auction show page for that auction (micropurchase.18f.gov/auctions/[id]) or (micropurchase.18f.gov/admin/auctions/[id])
  • Then I should see a section in the header labeled "Winning bid:"
  • And in that section I should see the winning bid for that auction
  • And I should see the winning vendor name (or GitHub name) in parentheses after the bid


Use the styles referenced below (or as close as you can get)

screen shot 2016-09-20 at 4 45 37 pm

Currently this is

"Winning bid (#{lowest_bidder_name}): #{highlighted_bid_amount_as_currency}"

This already exists

Looks like this is working as expected