
Admin view - Actions section - download CSV and Share

Closed this issue · 7 comments

This functionality exists already. This story is to just move the "Download CSV" link to the "actions section"

As an admin, I want to have a place I know to go to take any actions on an auction. So there should be a clear area on the auction show page that contains any relevant actions


  • Given I am an authenticated admin

  • And there is an auction

  • Scenario: Admin sees "Actions" section on auction show page

  • When I go to the auction show page (micropurchase.18f.gov/admin/auctions/[id])

  • Then I should see a section beneath the status box labeled "Actions"

  • Scenario: Admin sees "Share" section in the "Actions" area of the auction show page

  • When I go to the auction show page (micropurchase.18f.gov/admin/auctions/[id])

  • Then I should a "Share" section in the "Actions"

  • And when I click on "Share" the share URL should show/hide

  • Scenario: Admin sees "Download CSV" action in "Actions" area of the auction show page - CLOSED AUCTION

  • And the auction is published

  • And the auction is closed (auction has ended)

  • When I go to the auction show page (micropurchase.18f.gov/admin/auctions/[id])

  • Then I should a "Download CSV" actions in the "Actions" area

  • And when I click on "Download CSV" then a CSV containing auction data should download (see #495 and #494)

  • And I should no longer see the "Download CSV" link in the auction show page header

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For now, just show the Share URL, we don't need the copy to clipboard functionality

So, the styling on this is a bit confusing. It looks like we have an Actions Panel that currently can contain one of two possible things:

  1. A share link for when the auction is not published yet and we want the customer to be able to see it (I'm not sure we need this link after publication?)
  2. A Generate CSV report link for when the auction is over and there is a winning vendor

It seems like there is never a situation where both 1 and 2 will be displayed in the sidebar (although we might add new actions like "Archive?". And there are cases where we should not display the actions sidebar at all (for a still-running auction for instance)

Also, I don't really have a way to keep track of a CSV being already downloaded to disable the link for future requests

Hi @harrisj I think the share link will always be there, and the download CSV link will appear for all closed auctions. I don't think that the CSV download needs to be disabled. Is there something I'm missing about that?

Sorry, the feature above says this

And when I click on "Download CSV" then a CSV containing auction data should download (see #495 and #494)
And I should no longer see the "Download CSV" link in the auction show page header

Is it alright if we don't have that last step? Oh, I read that as the link going away but that is just a statement it should be int he auction sidebar?

Oh, I meant that the Download CSV link moves out of the header and into the side bar. It's still there, but now it's underneath the status box. I'll add a better graphic

No I get that now. Sorry!

Just in case

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