Archived auctions show up on "Closed" page of "Auctions" section
Closed this issue · 1 comments
mtorres253 commented
So that I have a clear record of all archived auctions, I should see any archived auctions listed on the "Closed" auction page of the "Auctions" section
- Scenario: Admin sees archived auction section on closed auctions page
- Given I am an authenticated admin
- And there are archived auctions
- When I go to the "Closed" section of the "Auctions" page
- Then I should see a section labeled "Archived"
- And in this section I should see a table listing all archived auctions
- And the table should contain a column labled
<column label>
- And the value in that column should be
<collumn data>
Column Label | Column Data |
Auction Title | Title of auction |
Archived date | Date auction was archived |
- And the auction title should link to that auction show page
harrisj commented
We don't have the archived_at
for the table here